CITI Training
Please Select:
Basic CITI training
For Institutional Review Board (IRB) compliance, you will need to complete the online basic course in human subjects research with CITI (Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative) under Einstein affiliation. Note that if you've taken these courses independently or with another institution, when you add them under Einstein affiliation, completed portions will transfer over and you'll just be responsible for filling in any gaps.
1) If you have one, log in to your existing account at If you don’t already have an account, you will create one - do not create duplicate accounts as this will prevent existing trainings you may have already taken from transferring over.
2) Add your AFFILIATION for Albert Einstein College of Medicine. The process for this differs a bit depending on whether you have an existing account or creating a new one. Basically you search for / select “Albert Einstein College of Medicine.” under "Select Your Organization Affiliation" or under “Add Affiliation”.
3) View the terms of agreement and privacy policy if prompted.
4) Check the boxes to agree with terms of agreement, privacy policy and to affirm affiliation with Albert Einstein College of Medicine. (If you’re initially creating an account you will have to then click "Continue To Create Your CITI Program Username/Password" and enter your name and email address *.)
5) Enter your Username and Password, select and answer your security question(s), then click to continue to the next steps (you may not have to do this if you already have an account).
6) Answer questions in step 5 then click "Continue To Step 6". You don’t have to answer fields that aren’t required.
a) If your “Department” at Einstein isn’t something else and otherwise clear, you could use PEDIATRICS for our lab.
b) If your “Role in Research” isn’t clear from the options, feel free to ask for guidance and provide options.
c) If you aren’t Einstein or Montefiore based, you can put your alternate contact info in the required contact lines (including office phone)
7) Enter member information then click "Continue To Step 7".
a) In Question 1 be sure to select "SOCIAL AND BEHAVIORAL RESEARCH" as this is the basic initial CITI training you will need to complete at Einstein.
b) Skip Question 2.
c) Question 3: In terms of what you are currently slated to be working on in the lab per Dr. Molholm, you do NOT currently have to take the GCP course.
d) Questions 4, 6, and 7 are optional – you may select “No” or “No, not at this time.” Skip question 5.
e) Click “Complete Registration”, then click "Finalize Registration".
Congratulations – you’re registered! Click on your Einstein affiliation and then the hyperlinked course name to enter the course.
8) Once done, you have an option to SHARE your completion report by email with christina.coleman@einsteinmed,edu.
GCP (Good Clinical Practice) Training
For Institutional Review Board (IRB) compliance, you will need to complete the online basic course in human subjects research with CITI (Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative) under Einstein affiliation. Note that if you've taken these courses independently or with another institution, when you add them under Einstein affiliation, completed portions will transfer over and you'll just be responsible for filling in any gaps. For certain IRB protocols, you will also be required to complete the GCP-ICH (Good Clinical Practice) CITI course as well.
These are instructions for registering for Basic Group. 4 Social and Behavioral and GCP - ICH CITI training under Einstein affiliation for the first time:
1) If you have one, log in to your existing account at If you don’t already have an account, you will create one - do not create duplicate accounts as this will prevent existing trainings you may have already taken from transferring over.
2) Add your AFFILIATION for Albert Einstein College of Medicine. The process for this differs a bit depending on whether you have an existing account or creating a new one. Basically you search for / select “Albert Einstein College of Medicine.” under "Select Your Organization Affiliation" or under “Add Affiliation”.
3) View the terms of agreement and privacy policy if prompted.
4) Check the boxes to agree with terms of agreement, privacy policy and to affirm affiliation with Albert Einstein College of Medicine. (If you’re initially creating an account you will have to then click "Continue To Create Your CITI Program Username/Password" and enter your name and email address *.)
5) Enter your Username and Password, select and answer your security question(s), then click to continue to the next steps (again, you may not have to do this if you already have an account).
6) Answer questions in step 5 then click "Continue To Step 6". You don’t have to answer fields that aren’t required.
a) If your “Department” at Einstein isn’t something else and otherwise clear, you could use PEDIATRICS for our lab.
b) If your “Role in Research” isn’t clear from the options, feel free to ask for guidance and provide options.
c) If you aren’t Einstein or Montefiore based, you can put your alternate contact info in the required contact lines (including office phone)
7) Enter member information then click "Continue To Step 7".
a) In Question 1 be sure to select "SOCIAL AND BEHAVIORAL RESEARCH" as this is the basic initial CITI training you will need to complete at Einstein.
b) Skip Question 2.
c) Questions 3: if you were told you must select the GCP course (for example, required for the "Sensory Integration Therapy in Autism: Mechanisms and Effectiveness" study (AKA "Intervention"), select “Yes, I would like to take the Initial GCP course”.
d) Questions 4, 6, and 7 are optional at the time of writing this (April 2020) – you may select “No” or “No, not at this time.” Skip question 5.
e) Click “Complete Registration”, then click "Finalize Registration".
Congratulations – you’re registered! Click on your Einstein affiliation and then the hyperlinked course name to enter the course.
You should now see both the Group 4.SOCIAL & BEHAVIORAL (complete this first) and GCP- ICH (complete this second) modules.
8) Once done, you have an option to SHARE your completion report by email with
GCP Refresher
1) Log in at (Einstein / Montefiore associates: your UN and PW are likely unique for this system).
2) Under "Institutional Courses" find "Albert Einstein College of Medicine" and click "View Courses":

3) Under the heading "Courses Ready to Begin" you should see "GCP - ICH" (full name "Albert Einstein College of Medicine GCP - ICH - Stage 2 - GCP-ICH Refresher Course". Click "Start Now" to begin the course:

4) Once done, you have an option to SHARE your completion report by email with