Dr. Sophie Molholm is Professor in the Departments of Pediatrics, Neuroscience, and Psychiatry. She is director of the Cognitive Neurophysiology Laboratory and co-director of the Rose F. Kennedy Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities Research Center (IDDRC) and a related T32 training grant.
Dr. Molholm is interested in how the human brain processes and integrates sensory inputs to impact perception and behavior, and the role of executive functions on these processes. Her work involves characterizing these processes in healthy adults, charting their developmental course over childhood, and translating these findings to understand the neurobiology of developmental disorders, with an emphasis on autism. Non-invasive high-density recordings of the electrical activity of the brain, intracranial recordings in patients, psychophysics and magnetic resonance imaging are her primary tools of investigation. She receives support for her research from NIMH, NSF, and private foundations such as SFARI.
Dr. Molholm's publications can be found here